Monday, December 22, 2014

Memories Everywhere

Just a few pictures....I hope your days are festive and peaceful.....

just a few things that belonged to my Grandmother Lewis on my dressing table..real life, not staged..

Decorations are minimal this year and I really like it that way..the little dolls that my Mama made years ago for her Christmas tree, angels from Goodwill, this lovely cream and gold nativity, and a dawn sky that got me out very early..and a silverplate pickle dish with bokeh from the Christmas tree.

This time of year there are so many memories of Christmases past.  I could sink into nostalgia if I allowed myself to do that. Instead I entertain the memories for a little while as I go about creating new memories for this year..  Living very much in the present, but knowing that my past has led me up to this point in life.

Merry Christmas y'all....maybe I'll be back before the end of the week with more pictures...

Love, Mona


  1. Mona, your pics are so special - and you sure captured that moon with its azure sky - wow, beautiful.

    Have a wonderful holiday, ma'am!

  2. The bokeh is so cool! We all love it.

  3. A blessed Christmas to you! I understand the nostalgia...when one gets to a certain age, it is inevitable and also pleasant...usually. Your treasures are lovely and your photography of them is as well.

  4. Great pics and I just love that nativity and the little dolls. Hope that you and your lovely family have a blessed and Merry Christmas! Cheers, cher!


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...