Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My Christmas House

As Christmas gets closer, I really love having all of the familiar decorations in our house...and photographing them.....

I hope you are enjoying your home this Christmas season....happy homemaking...


Maggie and Bo.

They are not really this fat..they have enormously full coats and we do not cut it..  I like how furry they are...Here, they are on our sunporch right outside of the kitchen sleeping and watching EVERYTHING I do...

Thanks for stopping by today..
Love, Mona


  1. Oh they look as if they'd be warm on the coldest day! What a sweet, vintage choir of angels...

  2. Mona,
    Your home looks so lovely. I love the little NOEL angels. You know, I have an ornament that looks very much like the one that is hanging next to the Peace ornament.

    Have a merry week.


  3. The noel angels and your fur angels are darling. You like me are never alone. My two are asleep on the sofa but the minute I get up they will follow. You know.

  4. Great pictures, Mona. I enjoyed them all.


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...