Thursday, January 12, 2012

Signs in Nature

When I saw this in my yard...I was a little scared!!!!! It is January...the second week in a totally WINTER month.....and I know the Bible uses fig trees as a I am paying attention.
Just some random thought this particular order to any of this except it was all captured with my little camera and I am the photographer/ that is the common thread...  grin.....

a green fig in January and new growth too

light under the oak tree
Do you see how brightly light shines when darkness surrounds it????  hmmm...Be the Light!!

illuminated clouds

There is a full moon hiding behind these clouds....see how even moon light gets through the darkness??

Shrouded in fog....I hate that my brain is in a fog...don't you?

I just like these pictures.......proof of a winter landscape behind a green fig....

Grandmother's cutglass vase

and of my favorite was my Grandmother's..I remember a man entering her living room right after she had died and asking my parents what were they going to do with the cutglass vase????  I am not kidding..he was one of the first ones through the door to visit us.....that story was told over and over  especially by my the 'audacity' of that man....Mama had a bent toward the dramatic..LOL   but looking back on that as an adult......I guess Mama was right!!   that was pretty bad.....needless to say my parents kept it and I got it from Daddy a few years ago...I just love family pieces that have a story attached to them......and so I will end for today...

thank you for reading along....I hope to see you again soon...



  1. Love the story about the vase! However, I must write that I love the fog. I guess I read too many Edgar Allan Poe stories, as a child!

  2. I love the fog too. Thanks for thinking of me on Prince Ave. I had no foreknowledge we were heading there as my SIL planned the day.

  3. I wouldn't want my brain in a fog, but I really do love your photo of fog. thanks, sp


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...