Friday, March 11, 2011


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First, you make a roux...a yummy base for gumbo that is made from one part oil and two parts flour....then you stir and watch for a long time...maybe 30 minutes..and this is the base for a wonderful meal to celebrate a milestone in my life..

Then add some flowers, yes,of course...ALWAYS, ALWAYS FLOWERS!!!! even if it is freezing and the wind is blowing fiercely still go out and pick flowers. :-)

Then come and sit with us as I tell you what today is all about...and have a bowl of gumbo with wonderful sourdough bread from'll warm your heart...Cajun food always reminds me of is our HAPPY food....

One year ago today, I started a word at a time.  I started my blog...WHOO HOOO!  it is my anniversary...I am so excited that I am here...Thinking back across this past year, there have been so many things I have learned and pushed myself to do...I have thought of all those quotations about a journey starts with one step, etc....

But the one that speaks the loudest is don't despise small beginnings.....and indeed it was a small beginning.  I have received so many kind words of encouragement from you and I appreciate every one..they have fed my spirit...and yes, there have been the absolutely horrendous few that almost bowled me over..but they did not...

this has been one of the most rewarding years of my life....I have learned to write.  a secret dream I have had for as long as I can remember....I just never did much with it.until last March..then I dared to write that first word...the key was to begin.........things never happen if we never there I sat one year ago today.....right smack dab at the beginning......and lo and behold, here I am......hundreds of posts later.....I can hardly believe it....  I really did something to start fulfilling my dream....I have loved writing this and taking pictures to share....there are so many more stories to tell and so many more blogland things to learn......

But, for today  ...........

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really took the first step to begin fulfilling a dream of mine and here I am , already a year into it....

I took a risk..I started a journey without knowing where it would lead and where I would end up...I still do not know that....but it is ok with me..I am learning to enjoy the is the journey that is step at a day at a time...that is all we have...

So, I encourage you to make the most of the time you have..what is your dream and what can you do TODAY to start you on that journey?

I will leave you with this question because it is the one that got me going.        


put that foot out there and begin that doesn't matter if it is messy or you don't know all about how to do it perfectly....just is lived one step at a time..I am living proof of that...I dared to start a blog without knowing how to do it....and I have done it for a whole year now and I know a lot more than I did when I started it..
Enjoy the journey....and the learning of something new....

here is my first post.....

"This is my first attempt at blogging. Since I love homemaking and I have been doing it for more than 35 years, I want to share my experiences with women(and men)that are aspiring to make their home all that it can possibly be. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, gardener, seamstress, cook,thrift store shopper.. I love all that is involved in making a home a good place to be ..and a place that the family wants to be. a safe haven...Maybe there will be some of you that are interested in joining me on this journey as I learn how to blog.. :-) we will see..I know it is something that I will enjoy even if it only for me and my family...."

and that is how I started this journey...leave me a comment...I love to read them...and as always, I appreciate your reading along....for many, many blogs to come...and for celebrating this milestone with me...

1 comment:

  1. Mona,
    Happy Anniversary to you! Your wish has been granted and you are such an inspiration to others. Keep those blogs coming!!


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...