Monday, January 31, 2011

Simple things

some of my heritage

my Grandmother's handwriting

Sometimes, well, most of the time, it is the simple things in life that mean the most.....
I am in process of going through what I have inherited from my Daddy..all of the worldly possessions have been divided up among us three children......he doesn't have room for any of it where he is living now....
I have unpacked most of what we brought home and these few things are what have grabbed me most and probably mean the most to me....and they are probably not worth much monetarily but they are absolutely priceless to me..
the green bowl that I remember eating Sunday lunch from as a child at my Grandmother's always filled with salad..

the flower clippers that my Mama clipped a million flowers with..I always loved to use them as a they are mine..

and a handwritten recipe book by my Grandmother...I had never seen it before I found it this weekend...such a treasure...

and something I have asked about and looked for for years..the crazy quilt that was hand stitched by my Grandmother awesome to be able to examine her stitches and study how she put it together..cannot wait to use all my scraps and do this ..such an inspiration...
So, you see, it is not the material worth of is the heart behind them..the memory attached to a thing that makes it worth something to me..that makes it valuable....

I am in a land of emotion..sorting through memories, happy and sad, accepting the end of things as they were, deciding what my role is now....realizing that I am NOT in control and that it is OK....

I love my Daddy and the respect he has for me astounds me at times.....I am grateful....
thank you for reading along...many more words to write about this time of transition...
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1 comment:

  1. I put the quilt, the bowl and the clippers aside knowing they would mean something to you....Dana and I laughed about yesteryear clippers alongside modern ones, what a difference.
    Hoped you found lots of meaningful things left for you, did you particularly enjoy finding the McCoy? thought you'd be tickled. I have not unpacked, yet, haven't been able to.
    Take care, glad you had a safe trip.


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...