Friday, February 8, 2019

Landscape Design

Come on in and let's look around..

so many possibilities

deodar favorite tree

big pond

view from the house to the back of property

view from the garden 


our woods with magnolias


I take a lot of pictures for the sake of studying our landscape and creating design that we like.

I have been the designer of this land we call Winterpast.  A lot of pictures and a lot of pondering and studying have gone into the last 16 years of gardening here.  There are still many dreams and plans in my heart.  I have done it all without spending a lot of money..My sweet husband doesn't really care what I do in the yard and helps me bring my dreams to fruition.  I had an idea and a vision for the  raised beds garden and he executed the whole thing with help from one man.. building all the beds and hauling in tons of compost to fill the beds..

As I look through the years of photographs, I can see the progress we have made.  I do love this land and dreamed of having a plot of my own where I could do whatever I wanted. 

I am from a long line of extreme gardeners and think of them all the time..especially my Grandmother Lewis. She was an extraordianry woman and won many awards for her flowers and horticulture work as a home gardener and hybridizer of daylilies among other things..


her daylily seedlings with hollyhocks in background

Oh how I wish I could have a conversation with her today...we share so much in common...

We have had really warm weather this week and it has given me spring fever.  Even the flowers are starting to wake up but...WAIT..winter is returning this weekend.  Before we know it, spring will surely be here and gardening will begin again in earnest.

What are your gardening dreams for this year?  I have enough to go around if you don't have any..LOL

Have a great weekend..


  1. You have done an amazing job with the land you have. I smiled to read that your husband helps you with your dream to such a great extent...hard labor. I am sure that your grandmother would be well pleased that you have followed her in your interests. I hope that the coming winter weather will have no ill effects on the garden. My only dream is that the deer will stop destroying my garden. It is very unpleasant to have to put barriers such as bird netting on my front flower garden. Doesn’t make for much curb appeal.

  2. I would love to see your garden, Mona! I can picture us strolling through talking for hours. You have accomplished so much. Your husband was so sweet to do the beds for you. It does take a strong man to do things like that.
    It is fun and interesting to hear about your dreams. I love your photographs. It is good to record your garden to remember where you were and where you are now.
    How special to see a picture of your grandmother.
    I've learned so much from you over the years.

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Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...