Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Moon shots

Did y'all see the lunar eclipse Sunday night?  We sat outside in the below freezing cold and watched as the moon turned red.  And as soon as the moon was completely eclipsed, we came inside and went to bed.  I always try to take pictures of the moon and I am never satisfied with the outcome.  Maybe I should actually read about moon and night photography from someone that knows what they are doing..  LOL

Here is my one picture and it's not all that good... before the moon turned red.

and this one from my phone showing some red. I think the moon was about 3/4 covered then.

 Oh well..  Do y'all try to stretch yourself with photography skills?  My focus has been on flowers and dogs but I am sorta determined to learn how to shoot the moon.  without having to buy another lens.

Here are some good photographs to brighten your day..

mock orange

byzantine glads

entrance to my garden

rose on the arbor

my Grandmother's garden in the 60's..always my inspiration

I hope you are having a good week. my Christmas decorations are slowly making their way to storage.



  1. Wow! Excellent shots of the moon. We missed it in my corner because of lingering storm clouds. Your grandmother’s garden is another wow! What inspiration... My great-grandfather had a garden and was always teased for it as family and friends thought him foolish for wasting time on flowers. Silly people.

  2. The camera in my cell phone is so handy to capture photo-worthy scenes on very short notice. That's my favorite and I'm happy with it.

    Your photo of the orange roses is my favorite in this blog post. Your grandmother's garden was amazing! Thank you for sharing.

  3. How blessed you are to have a picture of your grandmother's garden. It is beautiful! Are those hollyhocks? And those huge cabbages are so pretty! I would love to hear more about her garden. You are such a good writer that would be a great blog post.
    Mona, I love your moon shot. I have tried and tried to get a good moon shot but always fail. The other night I tried again early in the evening but failed again. I didn't plan ahead but the moon was so beckoning and gorgeous through the trees in my backyard. I got very frustrated because the street light on the street behind our house was in the way and a reflection kept showing up. It was also very cold.
    I woke up about 12:30 and saw the eclipse beginning. It was amazing. I was sorry I had not stayed up to see it earlier. The next day I read a few articles and saw a gorgeous picture a man had made over the Jefferson Memorial. He told about how extremely cold it was and he had underestimated the wind chill and the wind. His tripod was knocked over and he heard a loud bang and all had fallen on the granite steps. I shudder to think of how much he lost but he was able to retrieve a few shots that were great to me. I'm sure his camera and lens were very expensive.
    Again, I have watched u-tube videos and tried but I need a tutor hands on. There is something I can't get right.
    You have a much nicer camera than I do so if you are determined I have no doubt you can do it. I get up early most every day and after pouring my coffee I go outside to see the moon every morning if it is visible. It would be a dream come true if I could make a good picture.

  4. Oh Yes, I love to take pictures of the moon. It would be such a sight to see the moon turning red. Your grandmother's garden is delightful. Old pictures like that are treasures.

    I hope you have beautiful February days, Mona.



Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...