Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Can It Really Be December??

I ran across a quote this morning on facebook that really spoke to me..  I am in the middle of dragging out all of the Christmas decorations and sorting through them to see what goes with the feeling I want in our home this year..  Do you all do that?  or do you jut put out the same decorations year after year?  I change every year so I have quite a collection to choose from...mostly from my years of thrifting...I am hoping to wrap it up in the next day or so..

This is not the fun part to me...sitting in a room with only the Christmas tree lit is what makes it all worth it....
sooo without further ado here is a little bit of progress this morning.....

Practice, practice to be able to get the right bokeh in the pictures....that is the little blurry spots of light in the background.....needing some more practice..LOL

and then an edited picture....

See how it removes some of the background chaos?  Maybe I just need some more hours in the day.Especially when it is time to decorate for Christmas...

I promise I am working on the settings to get an unblurry picture...

Here are a few of my past Christmas pictures...

 I loved making these trees out of old jewelry..

Christmas tea...

My all time favorite Christmas picture..so far.....my son and husband...

This has been a big hit on Pinterest..from my childhood..and yes, they come out EVERY Christmas at our house..the little N.O.E.L choir..

Dear husband is sick with a cold so he went to be early last night..I was going to read a while but hey!!  I could do some work on the living room tree....So I stayed up way later than normal fluffing the tree and putting the lights on it.... After a few errands today, it is back to it..

Thank you for stopping by.  I am sure most of you are done with decorating...I will be there soon..I hope.

Love, Mona

I am joining Marty's party..  Inspire Me Tuesday


  1. Oh no! I have only just begun. I'm taking it slow because that's how my body moves these days. I don't want to pull something, tear something or wind up in bed for the holidays. Beautiful bokeh and a charming, welcoming look to your beautiful home. You will show us the completed or progressing story, right?

    1. Yes, Vee...
      The more I decorate, the more I will share...I move a lot slower these days too....

  2. I can relate so much to your post, Mona. I spent ALL day yesterday decorating and still have a few more tweeks to make. I do have a certain place for many things but this year (since I havee blogging) have decided to step out and do a few things different. About sitting in a room with only the tree lit....oh yes...totally all worth it! I love your little Christimas trees with the old jewelry! I am getting together a post about my little tree that I did with vintage jewelry that belonged to my MIL. About the bokeh thing...I didn't even know I could could get that effect from my little P & S camera...but after having it only about 5+ years or more, I'm still learning. Hoping for a DSLR soon...Santa, I've been a good girl!...lol!

    1. Debby,
      I used to get a bokeh shot with my p&s camera every now and then..Never did figure out how to do it regularly..LOL I am a novice at photography but I do love learning it...

  3. oops....gotta love those typos :)

  4. You are way ahead of me Mona.! I shut down after dark. No more work for me. Helped a friend today and only got a little done. But put on the Christmas music lighted a Christmas candle and enjoyed doing a few things. Your decorations look beautiful. Look forward to seeing more.

  5. I love your jewelry trees -- saved the photo -- will shamelessly copy. I am nowhere close to being done. Today we hang the curtains. Maybe I can get on with it now!

  6. I love your header, Mona! Looks like you're doing well on your decorating. Those jewelry trees are so sparkly and fun. I'd love to try that sometime. xo

  7. I love your tree and all of your decorations. So beautiful. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  8. Didn't December get here quick, fast and in a hurry??!?!?!! I can't believe just how quickly it got here! I'm still tweaking decor around the house, but I'm just about ready to call it quits and just be happy with what I have going on. Your tree....MAGNIFICENT!!!!! Have fun with the decorating!

  9. Bokeh is always a happy accident for me. Yours looks great. My decorations are not that plentiful with a wild cat running around and I don't know if I have told you that CC may not come home. That is one thing we have been working on that has been incredibly distracting. Pray for her for me please. xo, olive


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...