Friday, August 11, 2017


 I have been in the garden pulling up spent plants and making room for the planting of greens and other fall seeds in the morning.  When this blog post came across my facebook memories, I smiled.  I am often surprised at how many things I do in cycles.  Life is funny like that, isn't it?  Observe your life and seasons and you will see some cycles happening year after year.  The goal is to keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones.  I changed the pictures here because oh photography has come a very long way since first writing this post in 2011...

I hope you enjoy the read....

While I am trying to find myself, I thought I would share some pictures from a late summer is when plants start to turn brown around the edges and I know that their days are numbered.  they have produced their little hearts out but it is time for a change of seasons....they will need to be uprooted and pulled out of their places to make room for new plants or seeds....isn't that the way life is too?  There are things in our life that are just in dire need of going onto the compost heap....and if we let them stay right where they are, they turn brown, die and eventually decay right in the very spot where they were so productive at one time.  I am learning that when it is time to move on, DO NOT  resist it...but to do is the only way to remain fresh and relevant...Some people would argue that reliving our past is a good thing but it can be can pull you into a place that you have no business would be like replanting a spent tomato plant and taping tomatoes on it and saying harm here...but it would not be real...only superficial.  I see one of the biggest traps of reliving the past is that we see it the way we want to see it...kinda rewriting it according to our own prejudices....taking out the people we wish had not been there and thinking we were a lot more than we were..

I have seen several pages on facebook lately about reminiscing about the places you were from...they are very popular right now..and it is also reunion season so there is a lot of reflecting and talking about the past...I have been pondering this lately..I think that our present state in the nation has become so painful that a lot of people are escaping into the was safer was seemingly less was beautiful because we can make it like we want it to have been.  I think it is fine to remember our heritage but to dwell on the past and become nostalgic is gets us out of living in the present and looking toward the can rob  us of hope for a drug, it is subtle...drawing us backward into a so called better world....

I encourage you to stay present and accounted for in today's world...we need all the people to stay alert and be the nation we are supposed to be NOW...not the one that was there once upon a time...we are not living a fairy tale...this is real life and we only get one shot.....

all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.....if we are focused on where we have been, we cannot see where we are or where we are going.....glance at where you came from but......leave it in the past....and LIVE TODAY....that is all we are make yours count....

thank you for getting to the end of this one...I appreciate every one of you and love to get comments..please leave yours here...they mean a lot....and we all need to be encouraged.....


  1. You know that I love this post and totally agree. Sometimes, we need to stand up and be counted. We need to leave the world a better place, especially, for those who come behind us.


    More than an obligation, a gift to ourselves.



Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...