Monday, June 13, 2011

Expecting a harvest

It's funny how ideas pop into my mind as I am walking around my yard in the early is quiet and the phone and the fax machine have not yet started their daily business...

this morning I was laughing out loud as I found vegetables and flowers and blueberries.....such an abundance and I realized that I am continually SURPRISED that what I plant makes a harvest...I don't know why I have a hard time expecting and hoping for a good harvest when I plant something.  I started to think about this and I guess I have suffered through quite a bit of loss and rejection in my life and it has colored how I see a minute!!!!

I NEED to change some things..I need to renew my mind..I MUST get a grip and begin to believe the TRUTH...that when I plant something, I am to EXPECT a harvest...I will reap what I expectation level has been running on EMPTY!!!!!   time to fill the's time to see what really  IS!.. and when I plant a sunflower seed, I am not going to get a zucchini......if we plant good things, we reap good things...if we ask for a fish, we will not receive a snake.....God is in the business of giving good gifts to His daughters...

I am changing my glasses today to get a pair that sees the TRUTH..that looks at life with hope and faith that the outcome will be a good one......

Here is what I found this  morning in my garden...what a wonderful harvest awaits me each day....

the daylilies

heirloom gladiolus-- ATOM

sunflower showing color

beets, squash, cucumbers, zucchini

I am so glad you stopped by this morning...and walked around here with me....I hope your life is fruitful and that you are expecting good things in your just may need a new pair of glasses too.. :-)


  1. are pretty awesome yourself......thank you for the means a lot..

  2. Your garden is so beautiful and you are so right about reaping what we sow. Thanks for stopping by!


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...