Thursday, February 10, 2011


Our home is really a reflection of the women we are...When I started writing this blog almost a year ago this is one of the themes I wanted to infuse throughout my blogging....
morning light

As I started to become whole again after my divorce, my decorating changed drastically....I added a lot of flowers to my home....the first Christmas I was single, I can recall so vividly the feeling I had one evening as I looked around my was filled with a lightness and just plain 'felt different'.  there were several vases filled with white flowers and the table was set with white tablecloth and candles...and there was PEACE....I knew that I had turned a corner and had come out of the depression that had plagued me off and on for years..and I was content..I can remember that night like it was yesterday and it actually was 15 years ago....funny how things like that stick with you..I have learned from experience that when something sticks with you like that, it is worth taking a deeper look at it because there is more to it than just the surface of the event.....I know that that night was the real turning point in my life..kinda like a line of demarcation....from that night on, life was different...cleaner, more joyful, contentment....the darkness had lifted......I had become healthy emotionally....I had worked hard at it..cried a river of tears, struggled with myself, practiced a LOT of self control....never killing anybody..LOL    and prayed like I had never prayed in my life and most of all..I learned how to RELEASE someone to do what they wanted to do and leave them be....I think the word for that is DETACHMENT.....hated that word the first time I heard it but loved it when I finally got the concept.....

OK, all of that to come back around to where I started this morning....

Our homes really do reflect WHO WE ARE!!!!!   not what we do, but who we are on the inside..way down deep where nobody sees...the intimate part of us...
just watch an episode of Hoarders..the home reflects the person living there...depressed, dark, and in need of mental health intervention and their homes show that...

One time a friend told me that my home was part of my testimony--OUCH----especially at the time she told me that...maybe she was hinting..LOL

As I look around today, I am pleased with my is safe to be has an atmosphere of hospitality...making you comfortable to be stepdaughter told me one time that our home looked like a page in a magazine  yes, I know she was just a child..but hey....a compliment is a compliment.......but yesterday, I got the BEST affirmation of all......

My oldest grandson, Will said...Honey, are you ever going to live in a different house?, I don't think so, I like our house.....
Will..hmmmmm ..
me...Why, Will?  ...
Will.... cause I WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR HOUSE.....

best compliment I ever's what it's all about , making people so comfortable that they feel at home where we are.......Jesus was like that...the less than perfect people wanted to hang out with Him..  it was the 'perfect' religious folks that couldn't stand Him....and He didn't pull any punches when He talked to them either...but He loved to hang out with us sinners..

So for today, work on who we are as women (or men)....then our homes will reflect that....whoever we are..
When you walk into someone's home, you will know what is deep inside of them by the feeling you get....let's make sure it is a good filled with light.....and joy.....that makes people want to hang out with us and come back....
morning has broken

well, this was certainly a ramble this morning and as always, and every day..I am so thankful for you reading are important to me....hope you come back again.....

1 comment:

  1. I read your blogs from time to time and love the fact that you have such a sense of who you are. Your home has to be so full of love and laughter and I am so happy that you have found this in your life.


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...