Monday, June 13, 2011

Expecting a harvest

It's funny how ideas pop into my mind as I am walking around my yard in the early is quiet and the phone and the fax machine have not yet started their daily business...

this morning I was laughing out loud as I found vegetables and flowers and blueberries.....such an abundance and I realized that I am continually SURPRISED that what I plant makes a harvest...I don't know why I have a hard time expecting and hoping for a good harvest when I plant something.  I started to think about this and I guess I have suffered through quite a bit of loss and rejection in my life and it has colored how I see a minute!!!!

I NEED to change some things..I need to renew my mind..I MUST get a grip and begin to believe the TRUTH...that when I plant something, I am to EXPECT a harvest...I will reap what I expectation level has been running on EMPTY!!!!!   time to fill the's time to see what really  IS!.. and when I plant a sunflower seed, I am not going to get a zucchini......if we plant good things, we reap good things...if we ask for a fish, we will not receive a snake.....God is in the business of giving good gifts to His daughters...

I am changing my glasses today to get a pair that sees the TRUTH..that looks at life with hope and faith that the outcome will be a good one......

Here is what I found this  morning in my garden...what a wonderful harvest awaits me each day....

the daylilies

heirloom gladiolus-- ATOM

sunflower showing color

beets, squash, cucumbers, zucchini

I am so glad you stopped by this morning...and walked around here with me....I hope your life is fruitful and that you are expecting good things in your just may need a new pair of glasses too.. :-)


  1. are pretty awesome yourself......thank you for the means a lot..

  2. Your garden is so beautiful and you are so right about reaping what we sow. Thanks for stopping by!


Hello, Is Anybody Out There?

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