Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My son Jon

Here is a picture of a really beautiful dining room.

It has been totally put together by my son...I have been amazed as I have watched him be transformed over the last year....he had been in a really unhealthy relationship that ended in divorce...and instead of just giving up and retreating from life, he decided to grab life by the horns and ride it for all it's worth...He chose LIFE....

When he sent me this picture this weekend of the finished room, it brought tears to my room just pulsates with life and beauty...and the artist in Jon has come alive...he is a true Renaissance man...he has many, many talents......a year ago this room was beige and drab..mismatched and forgotten...dull, dull, Jon, it has come alive.....

I am so happy to see him living life and trying new things..not settling for mediocre...
Just this year, these are a few of the things I have watched him experience.....he has changed his appearance, he has run a manufacturing plant, he has watched every sporting event, he has landscaped his yard, he has redecorated much of his house, he has learned to cook, he has rebuilt his relationship with his Mama, and the rest of his family, he has traveled to Miami to get a tattoo at Miami Ink, he has traveled to California, he has gone skydiving, he has spent money and he has saved money......yes, this son of mine...I am mighty proud of him.......

just like the mom I was as he played sports..
I am on the sideline holding up the sign that says"THAT'S MY SON JON!!!"

yep, he has done this mama proud.....I am thankful for my son......
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