Monday, January 30, 2023

Hello, Is Anybody Out There?


Sometimes I wonder if there is even any interest in my blog anymore.  If anybody would read it if I wrote again.  Well, if you are out there and reading this, please drop me a line so I'll know it isn't completely obsolete.  The writing itch has started again and maybe, just maybe I can do this thing called writing again..

So come and sit with me awhile and we'll see where this conversation goes...



  1. Please keep writing. Your thoughts and photos are lovely and appreciated.


  2. Hi Mona! Still here, but slow in getting around. Nice to see you here and hope
    to see you more often. I'm afraid I lost touch when I quit Instagram. Are you still
    active there?

  3. I would enjoy reading yours posts. I know it is a lot of work but it is appreciated!

  4. Hello Mona. Yes, still here in blog land. I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying the Winter days. It's pretty cold here, 18 degrees when I got in my car early morning. But I love Winter just the same. It looks like you have blossoms already.


  5. Hi Mona, It is so funny.....I just happened on an old post of mine from 2013, and saw you had left a comment
    so I clicked on your comment (as I often do when I come across an old blog post) to see if you were still
    blogging. Your blog is lovely, so please don't stop even tho many are not commenting these days they are
    still reading and enjoying. I think so many don't leave comments as it is so time consuming, plus some
    blogs make it difficult to leave comments these days, cause sometimes I try and leave them and then they want a lot of info so I just have to move on. Take heart my dear, I think your blog title says it all, and that is a much needed thing in our world today, at least I think so anyway.
    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Hi Mona, I see you haven't decided yet?? Looking for a new post...........
    Have a Blessed day.

  7. Thanks for your hard work and dedication in creating this blog

  8. I am out here. 🥴


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...