Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas Tablescapes

  I'll begin with this years and then go back as far as I can.  Probably lots of pictures.  Hope you enjoy them..

Lots of changes through the years.  I hope you all had a Merry Christmas..


  1. Beautiful all! I especially like the more neutral table setting with the tall candles.

  2. Beautiful Mona! Love all your tables. The bokeh is lovely and I love fresh greens and berries. Your china and crystal is so pretty.
    You have some gorgeous candelabra.My personal favorite are the first three pics.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. What stunning displays and photography.


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...