Thursday, January 2, 2014

Searching for my WHY

Indeed it is a NEW YEAR!  and that means pondering and thinking about my you all do that too?

After listening to some very wise teachers this week, I realized that I have a very strong need to know WHY I do things..the purpose behind my actions.  I like to know the why behind you too but not in the same way that I need to know mine.......

So, I have decided it is a good time for me to take a little blogging break and find my why.  it seems to have gotten misplaced this past year.  I no longer even know why I write a blog..  If any of you run across it, please send it my way.  I am in need of it..I am just not a very good mingler and small talker...give me the deep things of life and we can really connect.  I realize not everybody enjoys these kinds of conversations so I have kinda let them fall by the wayside....   but now I am questioning myself and what it's all about.
I have talked with some of you and enjoyed every comment and exchanged email..I hope for many more.  Cyber friendships are out of my comfort zone but I am learning..and enjoying them...thank you to all of you that have taken the time to get to know me....

I found a saying while reading a book on interior decorating  that shook me from my slumber.......

When I started out, I believed part of my purpose was helping us all see the truth in this statement.  It was the woman in the home that made our homes successful or not.  It was and is the state of our inner being that is expressed in our, therefore, it is important to become and stay an emotionally healthy homemaker...  so that our homes reflect a healthy soul.....and radiate safety and warmth...

Who knows how much time I need to rejuvenate.......I just know I do.....
I will be popping in and visiting and will be back before the snows melt..  (well, before the daffodils bloom)...and before my 4th blogging anniversary...

Just hoping that somebody misses me......or that I miss blogging.....

Love, Mona


  1. I am sorry that you will be missing - I will be sad not to read your inspiring words. I started blogging simply to have a creative outlet for using all of my tableware. However, I have been thinking of starting another blog to express myself with a little more depth. Trying to decide! Hurry back, my friend!

  2. I am riding in the car writing on my iPad to you. We have been traveling. Mona, I have known you and I thought alike and have similar interests from when I started reading your blog. I understand the need for blogging breaks . I just took several months off in late summer and early fall.
    I have missed you in the last few weeks. With the business of Christmas I never had enough time to read all the blogs I follow much less comment. So yes, you will be missed! I have the nicest feeling of optimisum for the new year . HappyNew Year to you.

  3. Yes, you will be missed but I understand. I started blogging because I live alone and getting up there in years so it was a way to meet some wonderful people. It helped me not to be lonely.
    Take care dear Mona.

  4. Dear Mona,

    In this little cyber circle of blogs and bloggers, I started connecting to people by introducing my home, and its decoration and style, but soon found that I needed to express myself in other ways, giving my opinion on certain subjects or simply writing creatively or in poetic verse. It has been a journey into my own soul and imagination and now, I am at a point where I feel comfortable doing both; whatever strikes my mood. I sincerely hope that you find your 'why', and when you do, I'll certainly be here to hear all about your 'because' and I know it's going to be beautiful.

    You will be missed.

    Looking forward to your return.


  5. Mona, I will miss you. This coming from one who has not blogged since August. It's really freeing. Oh goodness. And I keep thinking that I will write a post and then there is the reply thing and then there is the getting the photos ready.. and I back off again. I was literally spending my time with my husband with a laptop on my lap. It was a constant companion. So I am hoping you find your "why" and come back to us. I read your posts via email and loved the wonderful uplifting posts you gave...
    xo marlis

  6. January must feel quite bleak to a few of my blogging buddies with similar announcements. Always remember that it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind! You most certainly will be missed.

  7. I have just found you but do understand the need for a break and a new lease on blogging...or not! I wish you well!

  8. What? You have doubts that you'll be missed? Let me tell you something...that whole thing about absence makes the heart grow fonder has some credence. Not that I'm not already terribly fond of your posts and chit chatting over the miles with you (because we have SO MUCH in common in our backgrounds!!!), but when you come back you will be a brighter, shinier, more invigorated, more inspired you! That CAN'T be a bad thing, right??!?!? So although I will miss seeing your site name pop up on my email alerts, I fully understand and encourage your brief departure. Notice I DID say "brief." That was more than just a hint, sister! :-)

    Enjoy your time off. I hope you are able to do some real soul-searching, heart hunting and brain spilling to reignite your passions and award you fulfillment. Happy New Year, Mona!

  9. But of course you will be missed. Time away is good. To think and regroup. I take long strings of days off all the time now. I just cannot be here everyday. Make your blog what you want it to be. Say what you want. love, olive

  10. Enjoy your time away and your inner search. I always appreciate your musings, and I look forward to your return. I'll be away again for a spot of time around March. Sweet Mister is now going to have knee replacement surgery. Happy New Year. Cherry Kay

  11. I will certainly miss you, dearest Mona, and look forward to your return, if you decide you want to. Enjoy your blogging break to rejuvenate your soul and your spirit. Much love to you.

  12. I understand taking a break, I have been on one for several months. I do enjoy your posts and hope you find the inspiration to return!

  13. Mona,
    How I wish I lived closer to you so that we could communicate regularly. I definitely relate to what you're saying here. I was just thinking the other day that I'm closer to some of my blog friends than I am to my real life friends. I love deep conversation too -- you know, the kind with substance and truth. I am so tired of meaningless conversations. I will certainly miss you, and please come by and visit every now and then. I understand about wanting a blog break, as there are times when I need them too.

    Have a nice January, dear.


  14. I just started reading your blog before you took a break. I'm sure there are others like me who are blessed by your posts but don't take a moment to comment. God bless you on your journey to find your why! Do what's right for you...

  15. I love reading your thoughtful posts, looking at your lovely tables settings, even though I don't post any comments. This is how I unwind after a day at work. Your beautiful Winterpast will be missed. Take your break, but please don't leave for good..


Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...