Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Do I really have a dream??

Since this is MLK week, I have been thinking about his speech..I Have A Dream......I envy him..he had purpose and he had direction  and he knew where he was going.... one that he was willing to die for....he changed history...almost anybody that hears the phrase  'I Have A Dream' knows that Martin Luther King said it....

but in my life I have been I REALLY have a dream?  NO, I don't think so....not one that is worth dying for....
When we bought this house almost 8 years ago, I think I had a make it into a place filled with hospitality... where people gathered and shared life...a garden for people to spend time in ...a place of refuge from the busy, chaotic world.......a home shared with the a park like setting...where all are welcome...
We have had starts and spurts but nothing like I had dreamed of...we even had a wedding and a wedding party in the backyard...we  had a kinship group that met here for a few years....we have had many family gatherings, even some with extended family coming from afar.....but it is not enough...I am not satisfied...
I Have A Dream....well, there it is..LOL  I DO have one......and now you know about it...

We all need a dream....I am getting mine out and dusting it off and using it again......we have been hit hard from all directions....we even have a home office at this time...that didn't fit into my has changed our home dynamics to have a fax machine and a business phone in the house..and for Bryan to always be around here working..but this is where we are right now..  building a company from the ground up....

BUT......I still have a dream...and I am not going to let it completely die...I will let it grow and change and bloom right here where it is dream come true..well, the first part least I know the setting for the dream....LOL   and the partner I have... and at least a few of the players....
y'all are great to stick with me as I figure this life out.....
Do you have a dream?  and can you articulate what it is?  give it some time and think about is worth living a dream.....
NEVER stop dreaming......

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