Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Being useful

“Have nothing in your homes that you do not believe to be beautiful or know to be useful.”
William Morris, 18th century architect
I love this quote I found the other day.....it is what I want my home to be based on...today it is a rainy day at Winterpast...the perfect day to get out my cookbooks and browse and dream up the perfect menu for Thanksgiving..
newly refinished sideboard

fresh coat of varnish

couldn't do it without Nathalie

old thanksgiving menus  

All of these things are beautiful and useful..especially in getting things ready for Thanksgiving....

I'm glad  that I have saved the menus from years past.  I can look them over and remember what worked and what did not....and who is here this year and who is not and who has been added....mainly a sweet son in law and three little boys have been an awesome addition to our table since these started....yes, I am busy planning today.... that just right menu....starting to check the linens and make room in the refrigerator (and that is a monumental task right there)   LOL..then a grocery list and a call to the bakery...oh, I just LOVE, LOVE this time of year.
and one more thing, Bryan and I made a decision to get married around the Thanksgiving holiday.  :-)  love that man...

I am so thankful for a warm and comfortable home filled with peace and love and cannot wait to cook that turkey and dressing......and have my family here.......
thank you for reading..you are important to me.....

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