Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lemon Curd

Lemon curd is a wonderful thing....beautiful and oh so looks like springtime in a jar......I bought these Meyer lemons the other day at a bargain price and have been thinking about lemon curd since then.  I used to make it a lot and then for some reason, stopped...might have something to do with the NOT low fat or sugar free....but for once a year...oh, is so so good......

When it was thick enough,after cooking it in a double boiler....that came from my Mama's kitchen...don't know why I have never had one..always had to make do..this one worked perfectly....glad I got it...  I poured it in a said 2 cups but made about good fortune...maybe it has to do with a full moon or something.LOL

Doesn't that look just beautiful????  and just like Springtime?  I am glad I ran across those lemons..well, actually Betsy found them and I saw them in her buggy so I hurried to get me some too...she is the foodie, not me..I just follow her around and get the crumbs...I am not kidding..that girl can cook...and she knows food..she will be proud of me and my lemon curd.....I will save a little for her.  :-)

Here is the recipe l if you want to try will be glad you did...

I got so excited after I made it and it turned out so well that I went outside and pruned rose bushes and dug 2 beds in my vegetable garden and made a pot of navy bean soup for supper.....what a great day...this warm weather puts a spring..  :-) my step...

thank you for reading along ...I hope this weather continues..I just might get my house and yard in shape if it does...

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Revisiting some old friends and some beautiful flowers

 Hey y'all It's been so long..  But I guess you already know that.  LOL I miss blogging and want to get back in the discipline of wr...