Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Dance

Home for Thanksgiving Historic America  by Johnson Brothers
I am doing a happy dance today...the Thanksgiving dishes have come out of the hutch and are all over the dining room...oh happy day.  I do dearly love these dishes.  I never see them anywhere out there in blogland...well, I did see the platter once....and I was so happy to see it...but the rest of them....I don't know why more people don't use these dishes for Thanksgiving...the name of them is Home for Thanksgiving  by Johnson Brothers  ...the whole set is titled Historic America......I have loved them for as long as I can remember.  My mother had these plates and platter and we ate on them every Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I did not inherit them and was so sad about that .. my dear sweet husband knew how much they had meant to me so.....he bought me 12 plates and the platter a few years is our official china...and I have been adding to it since then..there are even red ones that I will mix in and use for, oh, doing the happy dance around here...the beautiful dishes are out and my favorite people in the world will be here in a few days and we will all share a meal of Thanksgiving on these dishes.... 

beautiful details  acorns and leaves

loving the colors

all the little people..need some arranging

pressed leaves from our woods...waiting patiently

I just have a lot of getting it all put together before then....I LOVE, LOVE this holiday.....and sharing it with my awesome seems like every year we grow a little bit more......for this I am so thankful.....

thank you for stopping by today.  I hope the Thanksgiving preparations are in full swing at your house too ....and that you are enjoying every minute of the is all so worth it when the day gets here....

I am thankful for you my would be nice if you all were here for Thanksgiving too....I could buy some more plates.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful dishes! I am baking this weekend and cooking the "make ahead" dishes, plus my son's birthday on Tuesday! It is a wonderful time of year. Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!


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