Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Homemaking at it's finest

Yesterday was one of those days that was spent completely doing homemaking stuff...it was a typical summer day around here...and I thought I would let you in on a little bit of the 'hidden art of homemaking'  you know, the part nobody really sees and everybody wonders what in the world do you do all day?  I could never find enough to do and would go crazy staying at home??!! thoughts.....I have been asked that question more times than I care to remember.. and contrary to popular belief, I do NOT stay at home watching soap operas and painting my nails....so, hold on..here we go...a day in the life of this homemaker.....

Out of the bed and a cup of coffee in hand, I start to plan what in the garden needs picking and watering....drink coffee and put on gardening clothes..get buckets and head for the garden..pick okra, peas, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers...weed a little bit...pull up spent beans..deadhead some flowers.....sweat, sweat, sweat...UGH!!  pull up kale, too...plan  some fall plantings...decide to wait to plant anything..too hot!

shower...ahhhhh..pin up wet hair..will get to it later...breakfast..on the run..answer emails, write blog, check facebook......
fold some towels, see some flowers on the deck that are wilting..go water them and spend an hour watering...
come back in to finish towels...LATER....

get peas and beans and start shelling......and snapping beans...decide vegetable soup for supper   and peach cobbler..
are you getting the picture?

start the soup..it is 4 o'clock..where did the day go??  forgot to eat lunch...oh, well too late now...keep on with soup  cut corn off the cob for soup.....start peeling peaches for cobbler...5 cups of them...put together cobbler...into oven...5 o'clock....soups done, cobbler in the oven..make cornbread......supper on the table 5:45.....oh yes, I set the table at some point during the day with placemats and cloth napkins and fresh flowers.  :-)
ready for the oven

vegetable soup from our garden vegs /.homemade bread and butter pickles

peach cobbler

So, it is all in a days work around here.....and the next time you wonder what do women do that stay at home  all day......this is a little glimpse into the hidden part of homemaking...and yes, most of what we do at home is hidden..that is why it's important to enjoy what we do....I love being a homemaker..it is what I am made to do...it is where I fit....my home...I am thankful for the privilege of staying at home ....and I want to do the best job that I can....
It was funny last night when I told my husband about my day..I had spent the whole day thinking about and preparing food.....and enjoyed every minute of it...but I am so very glad there are leftovers...LOL

and in case you are wondering, I never did get around to drying my hair...I took it down after supper and let it dry then...so much for laying around and eating bon bons...

thank you so much for coming to visit today...and for reading my words....I appreciate you...see you again soon....


  1. Sounds like a typical day for me when I was raising my children, plus I home schooled them, and people would ask me that same question. :) That soup and cobbler both look fabulous! Your family is very lucky to have you!

  2. Mona, I love this post. It sounds like my day too. There was a time when women all over had days like these (excluding the internet.) I wonder if the tradeoff for the corporate world is such a good one? Thanks for stopping by the blog and offering encouragement on my weather.~~Dee


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