Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We all have gifts that are unique to who we are. they are part of our individuality.
I started thinking about this when I saw my son in law, Mike, using a gift that we had given to him. It brought such pleasure to me to know that a gift he received from us was being used and enjoyed....He had asked for a specific water bottle but it was my job to pick out the color and to pay for it. My joy comes in seeing him USE it and enjoy it. I have been thinking about the parallels between this and how God looks at us. Every one of us has at least one gift and more than likely several gifts. they have been carefully chosen and given to us and all we have to do is USE them...sometimes discovering what they are is very simple..what do you want to do? and what do you like to do? THERE...that is your gifting..No one wants a cheap imitation..we want the real thing.It is easy to look at someone and tell if they are just a copy or imitation of someone else.
Developing our gifts by using them is our greatest gift back to our family and our is what makes our homemaking original to us. I heard recently a phrase used by someone that said we are about expressing our individuality in a world that is suffocating from sameness. I don't want my home to be just like everybody else. I want it to be an expression of the people that live here. In order for it to be that way, I have to know who I am and what I am gifted in and USE that to build the home we live in.
I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on what it is that makes you you. to dig until you find the gifts in yourself. It is through expression of this gifted life that we are extraordinary homemakers.
Let's make it our goal to live all of life as an original not as an will set others free to do the same thing. Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we all lived according to the way we were made to be instead of trying to be like someone else?

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