Monday, February 27, 2012

Sowing Seeds

This weekend, I got a new greenhouse....I have wanted one for a very long time and my sweet husband saw this small greenhouse the other day while buying dog food at our local Tractor Supply.....

After he put it together yesterday, I cried....I was overwhelmed at how perfect it is...and that he would do this for me.........

Standing inside..even with nothing in it heart beats faster......I do love to sow seeds and to grow things...

The first things I put in it were 3 metal flats for seedlings that belonged to my Mama..and I have carried them around and used them forever..she had them in her greenhouse when she lived in Dawson...a long time ago..

It won't be long before I will be showing you what is growing in this sweet little house that is all mine.......

Eight shelves to fill with seeds...Oh, My!!!!

I am in process of deciding what to grow...Can you believe I will have to narrow my choices?   I have a lot of dreams in my heart and sometimes it is a challenge to pick the ones I want to work on at the moment....

Once again, I encourage you....NEVER give up on your dreams...they will come to pass if you don't quit!  

Put God first in your life and He will direct your steps.....

Remember to plant good seeds in your life because they WILL come up..even the bad think about what you sow....Do unto others as you would have them do unto you....

Thank you for stopping by today...  Happy sowing.....and be selective in the kinds of seeds you sow......

                                                        I hope to see you again soon..



  1. Mona, how sweet of him and to think of what you can do with that green house. I really got to get back to ironing and cleaning. We do not do much with seeds but we should as it is so fulfilling. did grow sunflowers from seed last year though. hugs, olive

  2. Mona, you are correct that even the bad things we sow will come up. My prayer is that I sow only good ones. Maybe, I will plant something this year and, hopefully, it will grow this time. Thanks for the words of advice!


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