Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Path

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

 But the way of the upright is like the light of early morning, getting brighter and brighter till the full day.


1.a way beaten, formed, or trodden by the feet of persons or animals.
2 a narrow walk or way: a path through a garden;
3. a route, course, or track along which something moves:
4.a course of action, conduct, or procedure:

These things have been stirring in my spirit.....what does my path look like?  am I on the right path?  and is it getting brighter and brighter?
Sometimes there is not a lot of definition to the path I am on...there is a faint outline and I know I need to keep moving forward but there is not a lot of clarity...not a really good , clear place to place my feet...

I think that it will get clearer as I move along ..I have been this way before and I know it is most important to keep on going..not get stuck and sit down.....not wait for someone else to do it for me....to KEEP ON putting one foot in front of the other.......I get so involved in watching my steps that I forget to look up.......

I forget that there is LIGHT right over me....that looking down will not help me get there faster..and being too careful is not beneficial to me...it involves taking risks to stay on this path....throwing caution to the wind.  I am a seasoned walker.....I know how to do this...this moving on is familiar to me and new at the same time.....just right above my head.........

COLOR...and lots of it..there is not darkness.....there is LIGHT.....and that must mean I am on the right path.....that is what His word says....it gets brighter and brighter..........

so when it seems like this.....obstacles.....or trees down across my path....I need to just step over them..or jump over them......or cut them up and make firewood if I want to stay there that long .....which I DO NOT!   but the main thing is even when there are things in my way, don't let that stop me...stay on the path...and there will eventually come a clearing..  a place of rest...a broad place    a place I can move around a bit more freely.....

 He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.

I encourage you to keep walking..   make sure your path is leading you to Him......that is where I find myself this day......the path is not clear but it is filled with hope and light.....and I know I am on the verge of this spacious place......

I stand on the edge of a clearing.......and I continue to put one foot in front of the other....as this path unfolds, I intend to stay on it....no matter what.....

thank you so much for stopping by today.  I would love to hear from you...leave me a comment...where is your path ?    I am not always in the woods, but sometimes that is where I am ...It's a good thing I love trees.... 

I hope to see you again soon... 


  1. Oh Mona, what simply fabulous pictures today -- so beautiful, they take my breath away.

    More beautiful still are your words. I am sure that pretty much every person who reads them can see themselves right there -- on the path, drifting off, wondering where it goes, where to step -- and I thank you for this lovely, deep post today.

    Bless you! Cass


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