Wednesday, September 29, 2010


These pumpkins in the dining room can only mean one thing...fall is in the house....I love it when there is this sudden change in temperature and the humidity drops and it seems like all is right with the world...I LOVE fall. I met my husband in the fall so there are many good, good memories.

The garden takes on a certain glow with the light changing and the shadows growing longer. I planted this amaranth from seed and it seemed to wait until fall to parade it's color....
These chrysanthemums are ready to burst into bloom. I can't wait to show you these in full bloom...not very long now. I discovered old garden mums several years ago and the show will be spectacular...I promise.....
And last but not least...the annual leaf drop has started......thankfully we have a leaf blower..I never knew that 3 huge oak trees could have so many leaves..when they are on the trees, it doesn't look like so many...but on the ground it's a different story.....
So, from looks like fall has finally arrived.......that means Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner....oh, I just love this time of year.....
and I am going to try to remember how much I love change when things in my life begin to change..yes, it is a good thing..change....
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