Friday, September 10, 2010

Hope Floats (1998) - Trailer HQ

the response to my story about divorce has been overwhelming....there are a lot of lives being touched by this still too often not talked about plague over our nation....I hurt with all of you that are hurting, but this morning I want to offer you hope....a real hope that this too shall pass...that you WILL get through this..there are brighter tomorrows...don't run from the pain..learn to endure and keep walking...KEEP WALKING..don't quit even when you want to..when your heart feels like it will break into a million pieces, just pick up the pieces and give them to God..He is the mender of broken hearts..He will put it back together much stronger than it was before....and when you are mended, there are more women that need to hear YOUR story of you came through and how they can too....We women need to band together and help each other to be stop NOT TALKING about this awfulness called divorce...It is not the path I would have chosen for me, but it is the life that I have made me better, not therefore, HE DID NOT WIN!!!   I did.......
This movie is the best I have seen addressing the pain and the hope that is ours.....please take time from your weekend and give yourself the gift of a very powerful touched me and still to this day is my favorite movie because I lived this...your story will turn out good if you don't quit...and not give in to despair...I understand..I 'get' you....I have walked through the fire called divorce and am on the other side now...and I want you to get there too..
Watch the will love it....if divorce and loss has touched your life....

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