Monday, February 13, 2012

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries....and Mama.

We have a tradition at our has been going on for more than 10 years and I don't even know how it got started....maybe that romance bug bit me way back when and hasn't let go....maybe I caught it from my mama...after she died and as the years have gone by, I realize just what a romantic dreamer she was...and I know I am most definitely, certainly a romantic at heart...but I digress.....maybe on down this post i will show something my mama did for Valentines many years ago...

Here is my bid to romance EVERY Valentines Day......

Strawberries dipped in chocolate......

you can find a recipe here..I didn't put the chile in mine...

And here is a really special Valentine that I found in my Mama's things after she was gone..when I was going through an old chest in her garage....a Valentine she made for my Daddy.....

Enjoy it...

I hope you put a little bit of effort in what you do for the special person in your doesn't take much but the rewards are tremendous..they will feel special and you will feel good for making them feel that way....Everybody needs to be express your love...Let the people in your life know that they are special to you....

Happy Valentine's Day y'all......let that romance awaken in you!!   it's in there somewhere..  :-)  I promise...

thank you for stopping by this morning....I hope to see you again soon...

1 comment:

  1. Mona, the watercolor valentine by your mom is beautiful and a treasure. Love the picture of you two. xoxo, olive


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